Silica is crucial for maintaining healthy skin, hair, nails, and bones. However, modern diets often lack adequate amounts of this essential mineral. Discover how incorporating silica-rich foods into your daily routine can help address deficiencies and enhance your overall well-being.
How to get more silica from food?
According to published data, a Western-type diet provides between 19 and 31 mg of Si per day. On average, the American diet contains about 30 mg per day of silicon each day. Vegetables are the richest sources of silicon in human food, and they can supply and increase our body reserves better than meat or fruits. Hence, vegetarians often have higher silicon intakes than meat-eaters do.
The modern diet, based on refined foods and GMOs, with low vegetable consumption, poor soils, and industrially bred animals, generates an inexorable diminution of the silicon content in human tissues (Carlisle,1974). The American scholar W.A. Price has also shown that the food of primitive peoples contained ten times more silica than the modern industrialized diet (quoted by Heinz Scholz, 1987).